Command AntiVirus for DOS
To operate Command AntiVirus for DOS, you must have DOS 3.3 or higher installed on an IBM-compatible 80386 computer with at least 640K of RAM and 5.0MB of available hard disk space.
You can use Command AntiVirus on a workstation connected to a Windows NT®, NetWare®, 3Com© or Banyan® Vines® network.
Command AntiVirus for Windows
To operate Command AntiVirus for Windows, you must have Windows® 3.1 or higher or Windows for Workgroups 3.11 installed on an IBM-compatible computer with a least 4 MB of RAM and 6 MB of available hard disk space.
You can use Command AntiVirus on a workstation connected to a Windows NT®, NetWare®, 3Com© or Banyan® Vines® network.
Command AntiVirus for Windows 95/98
To operate Command AntiVirus for Windows 95/98, you must have Windows® 95/98 installed on an IBM-compatible computer with at least 8 MB of RAM and 7 MB of available hard disk space.
Command AntiVirus for Windows NT Workstation
To operate Command AntiVirus for NT Workstation, you must have Microsoft® Windows NT® 3.51 or higher installed on an IBM-compatible 386/25 computer with at least 16 MB of RAM and 7 MB of available hard disk space.
Command AntiVirus for NetWare
To operate Command AntiVirus for NetWare, you need an IBM-compatible server with an 80386 processor or higher and 16 MB of RAM above and beyond the minimum amount of RAM recommended for running Novell NetWare.
Command AntiVirus for NetWare protects Novell® NetWare® 3.1x, 4.1x and 5.x. Command AntiVirus for NetWare runs independently of both the bindery and NDS.
Command AntiVirus for NetWare Administration program is compatible with Windows® 3.1x, Windows® 95/98 and Windows NT®.
Command AntiVirus for OS/2
IBM PC or compatible
OS/2 1.x, 2.x or OS/2 Warp
32-bit version requires OS/2.x or OS/2 Warp
2 MB of hard disk space
Command AntiVirus for Microsoft Exchange
Pentium CPU
96 MB of RAM (128 MB recommended)
30 MB of available hard disk space
Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.51 with Service Pack 5 and higher
Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 with Service Pack 3 and higher
Microsoft Exchange Server release 5.0 and higher
NOTE: If you are experiencing difficulties with memory usage prior to installing the program, you may need to increase your servers memory to insure the proper operation of Command AntiVirus.
Command AntiVirus for Lotus Notes
Lotus Notes / Domino 4.1 and higher
Windows NT Server 3.51 and higher (Pentium class server recommended)
64 MB of RAM
128 MB of swap space
30 MB of available Hard Disk space
NOTE: System requirements for running Lotus Notes & Domino may vary depending on how many users you support.
Command AntiVirus for Lotus Notes requires some additional resources, and if your users frequently send large files containing potentially infected data objects, you may need to upgrade your servers memory to accommodate the increase in load.
For example, a system with 5 users who regularly send large files back and forth will require more RAM and free disk space than a system with 100 users who rarely send files or other potentially infected objects.
Windows NT Server version 3.51 or 4.0 (Intel-based)
1.5 MB disk space
SMTP-based mail server with TCP/IP network connection