Authentium's Command Anti-Malware� Enterprise Version 5.1.1 for Windows Now Available!

General release notice for Authentium's Command Anti-Malware� Enterprise version 5.1.1 for Windows

Special Notes:

This 5.1.1 release is intended to replace all prior versions, and should be considered a recommended update for Windows 2000 through Windows 7, 32 and 64 bit platforms. Please note that this release requires Galileo version 5.1.5.

Feature enhancements/bug fixes in this release

  • Fixed inconsistent behavior of the tray icon
  • Fixed some updating issues
  • Fixed inconsistent losing of connections on servers
  • Some issues with logging have been resolved
  • About ten percent speed improvement as compared to earlier v5 versions

  • On Windows XP/2003 x64 Systems:

    The unsigned driver installation behavior must be set to silently install for those platforms, otherwise push will fail. The reason is that our drivers are not WHQL certified, they are still signed, but we do not certify them with the Microsoft logo program. As a result those two operating systems will fail to install the driver in silent mode (what Galileo uses), in UI mode (like SMB) user will be asked to approve the installation of the driver.

    Two Ways to Disable This:

    1. From the local machine: my computer > properties > hardware > Driver signing, must be set to "Ignore-Install the software anyway and don't ask for my approval"

    2. From the domain controller, a group policy can be pushed. The policy is Devices: Unsigned driver installation behavior under Local Policies, Security Options, for both domain and domain controller security policies under administrative tools. The policy must be set to "Silently succeed" in both domain and domain controller security policies.

  • For Windows 2008 Server this option was taken out. There is an article published on the Microsoft site how to add it back -, but it would not work as is, in the INF line DriverSigning0="Silently Succeed" must be replaced with 0="Silently Succeed".

  • In their example:
    MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Driver Signing\Policy,3, "Devices: Unsigned driver installation
    behavior",3,0| 0="Silently succeed ",1|"Warn but allow installation",2|"Do not allow installation"

    Valid for All Operating Systems:

    Please uninstall the previous version of Galileo and then install version 5.1.5 (configurations will not be deleted)

  • Galileo should not allow updating of existing (5.0.9) configurations with 5.1.1 - a new configuration must be created and pushed to the clients. It is not recommended to remove the existing configuration and then push to the new one - it would be better to create a new configuration, reassign the computers to it and then remove the existing one.
  • Create a new configuration and assign the existing computers to it, Galileo will produce warning saying that computers already belong to a different configuration - ignore and continue.
  • Push the new configuration.
  • After successful push and moving all computers to the new configuration, then delete the old one. Deleting a configuration will not delete the files on the share, they have to be manually deleted, this is by design.

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