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CSS Central™ provides administrators with a powerfully proactive tool to effectively manage and maintain the anti-virus strategy from a centralized console. Instead of file-based administration, CSS Central presents a unique user-based interface which allows for the flexibility to group users according to their anti-virus needs, platform, or any other criteria established by the administrator. Simple drag and drop controls makes this grouping even simpler. In addition, by providing a graphical user interface built around standard Microsoft principles, the overall ease of administration increases. Taking this unique concept one step further, the multiple document interface (MDI) facilitates comparisons between groups or users. Synchronization and inherited options facilitate efficient configurations. Automated downloads and deployment of update files, coupled with the ability to configure and deploy individual tasks further enhances the functionality.

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Centralized Task Management provides for the administration of task files on remote machines. Administrators can display tasks and scan statistics and change settings to individual task files, including action to take on infection and scheduling functions. Additional task files can be deployed to a single user, a group of users, or throughout the entire organization.

Centralized Configuration Management provides for the administration of CSAV settings on remote machines, including the ability to deploy settings to remote machines by selection and/or group. Two-way synchronization pushes the desired configuration to the user or group, or can pull the configuration from the user or group and reset the user/group properties on the management side.

Remote configuration settings can be locked to prevent modification by unauthorized users, yet still allow for local task creation. Users can be prevented from disabling on-access scanning, or changing the action to take on infection. In addition, specific file types can be included or excluded, e-mail notification can be specified, and centralized logging can be managed with no worries that the user will disable or change the configuration.

Administrators can schedule automatic updates and product downloads for all licensed platforms. Files can be automatically downloaded to staging directories or automatically deployed for users. On-demand downloads can also be accomplished by the click of a button.

System Requirements
CSS Central can be installed to any Windows 32-bit operating system and requires no special hardware/software above that of the o/s. CSS Central uses standard network protocols.

Features and Benefits

CSS Central™ provides flexible management:
  • Administer a single user or groups of users
  • Groups and users are displayed in tree view
  • Drag and drop support for users and groups
  • Inherited settings promotes efficiency
  • Group nodes are expandable/collapsible
  • User objects are denoted with platform-specific icons
  • Allows multiple administrators to maintain a group of users from different locations
  • Automated notification if an infection is found
  • CSS Central can be used to administer the following:
    • Command AntiVirus v4.5 and later for Windows� 95/98
    • Command AntiVirus v4.5 and later for Windows NT� 3.51/4.00 Workstation
    • Command AntiVirus v4.5 and later for Windows NT� 3.51/4.00 Server

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