Virus Emergency Response Team
Command is here around the clock to help with any virus incident. The links below will guide you through submitting a virus sample and locating information on the latest viruses that are prevalent in-the-wild.
Think You Have a Virus? How to submit a virus sample
Virus Alerts Information on recent the latest viruses
Command Software Virus Encyclopedia Descriptions of viruses in-the-wild
Contact Technical Support
Virus Databases
With new viruses continually emerging, things change rapidly in the world of computer viruses. These databases will help you keep up with the latest developments.
VirList - The viruses Command AntiVirus detects. This is a very large text file (500K +) and may take a minute or two to download.
Virus Hoaxes
These links offer information on various virus-related topics and a file to test your anti-virus products detection capabilities.
Virus Glossary
NCSA Virus Prevalence Survey
Research & writings
Eicar Test File
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