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Command Software Systems Updates Anti-Virus Software

Version 4.57 Expands Protection; Improves Efficiency

8/18, 1999

JUPITER, Fla. – August 18, 1999 – Command Software Systems today released a new version of virus-scanning software that includes protection for documents created in Microsoft PowerPoint, the latest product under virus attack.

The move is significant because viruses targeting Word, Excel and PowerPoint files have accounted for most virus outbreaks since 1997, says the International Computer Security Association.

In addition to its PowerPoint protection, Command AntiVirus Version 4.57 lets users of a variety of platforms scan for viruses more quickly and efficiently.

Like Command Software’s other products, Version 4.57 not only scans for known viruses but also analyzes software for unusual behavior. While other virus-scanning products boast that dual approach, Command’s software was the only one that protected customers last spring during the outbreak of the Melissa virus. Melissa, spread via e-mail, forced companies like Boeing, AT&T; and Microsoft to shut down their e-mail systems.

'With over 40,000 viruses in existence and hundreds of new viruses detected every month, companies must take stronger and proactive measures to protect their systems,' said Dyan Dyer, CEO of Command Software Systems. 'Command AntiVirus 4.57 ensures the best defense against the growing threat of attacks like Melissa, which showed just how fast a virus can propagate.'

Command AntiVirus 4.57 seeks to meet customers’ needs for convenience and customization. New features include:

  • Automatic virus updates. Thanks to a feature called On-Demand Updates, customers can use one keystroke to connect to Command Software’s Web site and automatically download and install virus updates.

  • Easy registration. An intelligent password feature remembers customers’ IDs, meaning users can skip the login registration process after their first visit and update their software more quickly.

  • Updated data tracking. To ensure customers know the exact date of their last virus download, Version 4.57 includes the information on the Help/About menu. The software also provides a list of viruses that Command AntiVirus detects each time the software is updated.

  • Faster software installation and configuration. A new console tool means MIS managers can create rescue disks at any time, not just during software installation.

  • Increased flexibility. Network administrators using Version 4.57 can set scanning parameters more easily, including or excluding wild cards and directories.

    As with all of Command Software’s products, Version 4.57 examines files and compares them against a database of known viruses – a technology that has been tested by independent agencies and proven to be 100 percent effective.

    It also uses HoloCheck, Command’s proprietary heuristic scanner, to sniff out unknown viruses. HoloCheck is the component that enabled Command’s software to detect and stop the spread of the Melissa virus in March – something no other company’s so-called 'smart' software was able to do.

    Command AntiVirus Version 4.57 is available for a wide variety of platforms including Microsoft DOS; Windows 3.x, 95/98/NT; OS/2 Warp; Novell NetWare, Microsoft® Exchange and Lotus® Notes. A free demo can be downloaded from the company’s Web site (

    Command Software Systems is based in Jupiter, Fla., and operates offices in Campbell, Calif.; London, England; Eindhoven, Holland; and Melbourne, Australia. The company has distribution agreements with resellers in more than a dozen countries.

    For more information about the company, its products and services, visit Command’s Web site or call (800) 423-9147 or (561) 575-3200.


    Contact: Alan Penchansky / Michael Cahlin
                 (305) 529-1944
                 [email protected]