Version 2.0 Delivers Award-Winning Scanning, Detection & Protection Technologies To The Industrys Leading Messaging & Collaboration Server
10/13, 1999
Command Software Systems, a leading provider of virus scanning technologies and protection services to the corporate, government and education markets, today announced an upgraded version of its anti-virus software for Microsoft Exchange, the number one groupware program in the corporate environment.
Version 2.0 of Command AntiVirus for Microsoft Exchange is the fastest and most reliable Exchange product from Command, and features the companys award-winning virus scanning technology, the only one that protected customers last spring during the outbreak of the Melissa virus. The new product used in tandem with Command AntiVirus For Windows (95/98/NT) adds an extra layer of network virus protection by screening incoming e-mails and attachments at the server level.
While NAI, Symantec and Trend have recently launched their Exchange AV, Command believes that this product is the most stable of all offerings. Command AntiVirus for Microsoft Exchange 2.0 offers the industrys highest level of server-based virus protection for an estimated 25 million units today running the popular Microsoft groupware product.
"In the last few months, theres been a dramatic increase in viruses hiding in e-mail attachments and these numbers are expected to increase as the millennium approaches," said Dyan Dyer, CEO of Command Software Systems. "Organizations must aggressively protect themselves against infected e-mail and new viruses disguised as Y2K bugs. Command AntiVirus For Microsoft Exchange works seamlessly with Command AntiVirus to give administrators a powerful one-two punch to knock out invasive code."
Like a security guardian, Version 2.0 of Command AntiVirus For Microsoft Exchange protects every level of an Exchange network including the server and gateway. All messages are checked twice as they are sent from mailboxes and public folders. Infected attachments are automatically disinfected and repaired faster and more reliably than ever before.
The new version is not only more powerful, but also streamlines essential administrative routines such as determining scanning configurations, server installation, and virus definition distribution.
Other new features include:
- Automatic Protection. E-mail and attachments are continuously monitored so viruses can be detected, disinfected or quarantined.
- HoloCheck Scanning. Commands proprietary heuristic scanner, the only one to detect and stop Melissa, screens out unknown viruses by using "smart" technology capable of identifying "virus-like" behavior.
- Automatic virus updates. One keystroke lets administrators connect to Command Softwares Web site and automatically download and install virus updates.
- Customized Notification System. A full range of options is available to provide automatic notification to the sender, recipient, or administrator if an infected e-mail attachment is discovered.
- Comprehensive Activity Logs. Administrators have instant access to statistical data and other documentation needed to maintain a virus-safe environment.
As with all of Command Softwares products, Version 2.0 Command AntiVirus For Microsoft Exchange examines files and compares them against a database of known viruses, a technology that has been tested by independent agencies and proven to be 100 percent effective.
System Requirements
Command AntiVirus For Microsoft Exchange requires an Intel system running Windows NT Server 3.51 with Service Pak 4 or Windows NT Server 4.0 with Service Pak 3, Microsoft Exchange Server version 4.0 or higher, 128MB of RAM minimum, 20MB of free hard disk space, and Netscape Navigator version 3.0 or higher or Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.x or higher. A free demo can be downloaded from the companys Web site (
Company Information
Command Software Systems specializes in protecting some of the worlds largest and most vulnerable computer networks. Its core customers, which include EDS, Cap Gemini, the U.S. Navy, the Florida Department of Corrections and the FBI, are government agencies, Fortune 500 companies, and colleges and universities.
Based in Jupiter, Fla., Command Software Systems operates sales offices in Campbell, Calif.; London, UK; Eindhoven, Holland; and Melbourne, Australia. For more information about the company, its products and services, visit Commands Web site or call (800) 423-9147 or (561) 575-3200.
Contact: Wayne Sharp
561-575-3200 x. 4165
[email protected]