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1997 Press Releases/June 17, 1997

Command Software Announces Support for Microsoft Office 97

For Immediate Release, June 17, 1997

JUPITER, FL (June 17, 1997) - Command Software Systems announced it will introduce its Office 97 product at PC Expo in New York. Command’s F-PROT Professional has been enhanced to provide on-access virus protection in the Office 97 environment.

Unique to this product is its ability to detect multiple macro virus infections within the same file. This feature allows for the reliable detection of variants. Since viruses readily mutate, the ability to detect variants is essential for complete protection. Selective elimination of only infected files insures that uninfected macros remain intact. Users can be confident that they will not have to sacrifice all of their macros due to a single macro infection.

"Our customers demand comprehensive virus protection within all of their operating environments. Office 97 support is Command’s latest response to these demands. State-of-the-art technology makes the detection of variants more automatic, thereby requiring fewer signature file updates," said Pam Oppenheim, Command’s Product Manager.

Office 97 file formats are quite different from Office 95, therefore an anti-virus program developed for Microsoft Office 95 cannot provide complete security in the Office 97 environment. The unique file structure of Office 97 demands an anti-virus product that can provide comprehensive protection without destroying healthy macros; that product is Command’s F-PROT Professional.

Command Software Systems, Inc. develops, markets and supports a complete line of leading anti-virus and information security products for IBM personal computers, compatibles and networks. Founded in 1983, the company has offices in the United States and the United Kingdom. Command Software products are sold directly and through distribution. For channel sales information contact: 1-800-836-4276 or For all other information, please contact: Doug Taylor, Marketing Manager, Command Software Systems, Inc. at (561) 575-3200 ext. 153 or via e-mail at [email protected].


(561) 575-3200 (ex. 4163)
[email protected]

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