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1998 Press Releases/March 23, 1998

Command Software Is First to Post Detection and Repair for New 'MrKlunky' Virus

Command once again first to detect and protect customers from new debilitating virus.

Jupiter, FL -- March 23, 1998 -- Command Software Systems, Inc. today announced that the Command AntiVirus Research team has posted a comprehensive detection and repair solution for a new variant of "MrKlunky" virus. MrKlunky, which infects Windows '95 and NT program files, was first brought to Command's attention by a large U.S. government contractor. The customer estimated that several thousand PCs on its network had been infected. Over 100 of these had to have their hard drives re-formatted prior to the Command fix.

This particularly ruthless 32-bit program virus infects Windows 95 systems by rendering files unusable. In some instances the virus took only one hour to ruin files on an entire hard drive. Command's Research Team worked around the clock to create detection and disinfection routines. As with all virus definition updates this solution is free to all registered Command users.

According to Dyan Dyer, Command's CEO, "Command's customers have come to rely on our team to supply detection and disinfection for new viruses fast and first." Command's AntiVirus Research team was first in delivering a recent fix for the China Lake Naval Air Weapons Center in California. In that instance Command had a virus fix for NAVAIR just 28 minutes after being contacted. The 28 minute mark appears to be an industry record.

Command Software Systems, Inc. recently combined three ISCA certified client platform versions, Windows 95, Windows NT, and DOS/Windows, into one package under a new name - Command AntiVirus™ with F-PROT Professional®. Command offers exceptional protection from all virus types, including Word and Excel macro viruses and other viruses passed via the Internet and e-mail. The retail price of Command AntiVirus is $49.95. To help protect customers Command offers the most comprehensive support policy in the industry with "Service that Never Sleeps" -- no-charge toll-free 24-hour support for the first 90 days, and a full year of free virus signature updates.

Command Software Systems, Inc., one of Inc. magazine's 500 fastest growing private companies, develops, markets and supports a complete line of leading anti-virus and information security products for IBM personal computers, compatibles and networks. For a media kit contact Doug Taylor at (561) 575-3200 ext. 4153 or visit For technical inquiries contact Pam Oppenheim at ext. 4114.


(561) 575-3200 (ex. 4163)
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