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1998 Press Releases/June 29, 1998

Command AntiVirus™ Provides Definitive Virus Protection and Revolutionary Administration Tools

Major Update Incorporates Improved Scan Engine to Find and Eradicate Newest Polymorphic Viruses

Jupiter, FL - June 29, 1998 - "Attack of the Killer Virus" may sound like a low-budget horror film, but in the corporate world viruses are a real and potentially lethal problem that can result in thousands of dollars in lost data and hundreds of hours of lost productivity. Command Software Systems, Inc. has taken steps to put the most effective and up-to-date tools into the hands of network managers with the introduction of Command AntiVirus™.Command AntiVirus™ with F-PROT Professional® (formerly known as Command's F-PROT Professional) features a state-of-the-art scan engine that uses Command's HoloCheck™ technology to track down and disinfect the newest generation of polymorphic viruses, as well as CSS Central™, a centralized network administration tool. CSS Central deploys automatic updates of the latest virus signature files and maximizes virus protection administration for Corporate IS managers by concentrating set-up options on a single server or workstation.

"Our new search engine with HoloCheck technology represents years of ground-breaking research," said Helmuth Freericks, Vice President of Research and Development at Command Software. "The changes that we've implemented in this new product meets and exceeds our goal to meet the challenges of 'tomorrow's viruses."

Command AntiVirus employs industry-leading virus detection-and-removal technology of the F-PROT Professional engine to give users multi-layered protection from the threat of computer viruses. ICSA (formerly NCSA) and Secure Computing CheckMark certified, Command AntiVirus offers exceptional protection from all virus types, including viruses passed via the Internet and e-mail.

Constantly updated with the latest virus signatures Command AntiVirus provides maximum defense against newly emerging viruses.

The new engine is designed to detect and disinfect the most challenging viruses, including macro viruses in Office 95 and Office 97. The program provides industry-leading performance against polymorphic viruses, which are particularly dangerous because of their ability to evolve as they migrate to different PC's, and as infected files or programs are accessed. Command has also enhanced many current features to offer fast on-access protection of all possible entry points for viruses, including Internet, floppy disks, e-mail attachments, and local and wide area networks.

CSS Central, a revolutionary centralized deployment and administration system, helps network administrators streamline the deployment and management of workstation anti-virus software and thus reduces the cost of ownership for major installations. From the CSS control panel, network administrators can deploy and control Command AntiVirus to servers and end-user desktop PCs right from their own workstation or remotely through a Web browser. Dyan Dyer, Command's CEO and Founder commented, "Implementation of CSS is customer driven. Security systems administrators and CIO's want an easy-to-use systems administration interface that provides them complete control. With CSS Central, they have that and much more."

The CSS control panel provides ease-of-use features to let administrators simplify the job of managing and protecting numerous workstations spread across the Enterprise. According to one beta tester, "If you can use the software on a single PC, you can now manage Command AntiVirus across an entire network."

In an effort to enhance usability and cost-effectiveness, Command Software has put Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 3.x, OS/2 and DOS versions of the program on a single CD. This approach reduces the number of SKU's for resellers and makes site-licenses easier for corporate customers working in a multi-platform environment to administer.

Command Software continues to offer the most comprehensive support policy in the industry with "Service that Never Sleeps." The program includes toll-free 24-hour support for the first 90 days, and a full year of virus signature updates at no charge.

Command Software Systems, Inc., one of Inc. magazine's 500 fastest growing private companies, develops, markets and supports the most efficient and effective anti-virus software solutions in the world. Founded in 1984, the company has offices in the United States and Europe, and markets directly through a network of established dealers and security integrators worldwide. For more information about Command Software Systems, Inc. or its products, call (800) 432-9147 or visit the company's Web site at


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