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1998 Press Releases/September 1, 1998

Command Software reduces price of Command antivirus™

Command AntiVirus Offers Superior Virus Protection For Less

JUPITER, FL -- September 1, 1998 – Purchasing the best anti-virus solution just became more cost effective with the reduction of the retail price of Command AntiVirus™. Effective September 1, 1998, the price of Command AntiVirus is reduced 20% to $39.95.

Command AntiVirus™ features a redesigned, state-of-the art scan engine designed to track down and disinfect today's new generation of viruses. It answers the demand for a cost-effective easy-to-use anti-virus solution that can be used in multi-platform environments, including Windows 95 and Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 3.x, NetWare, OS/2 and DOS.

Key components of Command AntiVirus for NetWare include HoloCheck™ technology and CSS Central™. HoloCheck technology is designed to detect and disinfect new viruses and provides leading performance against polymorphic viruses which are dangerous because of their ability to change their form in different PC's and on every access. CSS Central consists of a revolutionary rapid deployment and administration feature, with streamlined installation and management functions for network administrators. Command AntiVirus also offers up-to-the-minute virus signature files and superior technical support."

"We are committed to providing our customers with both a premiere product and competitive pricing," said Andy Ruppanner, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Command Software Systems. "We recognize our clients value in all technology investments and they will always find value in Command," he continued.




Command Software Systems, Inc., one of Inc. magazine’s 500 fastest growing private companies, develops, markets and supports the most efficient and effective anti-virus software solutions in the world. Founded in 1984 the company has offices in the United States and Europe, and markets directly through a network of established dealers and security integrators worldwide. For more information about Command Software Systems, Inc., call (800) 432-9147 or visit our Web site at


(561) 575-3200 (ex. 4163)
[email protected]

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