Command AntiVirus for Lotus® Notes is a must-have for Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino environments, where ease of sharing information can also facilitate virus distribution. Providing real-time virus protection for e-mail and groupware, Command AntiVirus employs HoloCheck scanning technology to secure virus entry points - e-mail, database and replication activities. If you are running Lotus Notes or Lotus Domino, you need Command AntiVirus for Lotus Notes to stop viruses before they can infiltrate your organization and be sent out to others.
E-mail Scanning All incoming and outgoing mail is scanned in real-time. If an infection is found, the attachment is disinfected according to the action on infection option chosen by the administrator. Customizable messages are sent to notify the sender, recipient and administrator. Database and Replication Scanning On-demand scanning ensures that databases are virus-free on setup. Real-time scanning protects database documents when they are modified and on replication, preventing a clean document from being overwritten with a virus-infected version. Fully configurable, scheduled database scanning offers an additional layer of protection. Document creator and administrator are notified when a virus has been found in a database document. Flexible, Full-Control Administration Command AntiVirus for Lotus Notes is a native Notes application that is integrated directly with the core Lotus Notes document engine, providing a graphical user interface (GUI) that is intuitive and easy to use. The GUI provides customizable actions to be configured according to administrator preferences. Individual servers and databases can be assigned specific scheduling, action on infection and reporting options.