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LogoGlobeAntiVirus Software

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Command AntiVirus™ for Windows NT offers truly powerful anti-virus protection. Command AntiVirus features Dynamic Virus Protection, scanning every program file prior to execution, including files downloaded from the Internet and e-mail attachments!

Command AntiVirus has been independently tested and proven to offer exceptional protection. Command AntiVirus has earned both levels of Checkmark certification, proving its ability to not only detect 100% of in-the-wild viruses, but to disinfect them as well. Command Anti-Virus was one of the first products to achieve this high level of certification.

Scans are based on native file format. Command AntiVirus isn’t fooled by renamed files or extensions. Command AntiVirus even scans compressed files!

Command AntiVirus employs HoloCheck™ technology to safely and accurately determine virus and virus-like conduct. By monitoring the behavior of files in a protected, virtual environment, Command AntiVirus can identify and protect against both known and unknown viruses. This virtual virology lab safely examines and monitors the behavior and outcome of files, isolating those that are infected before they have the opportunity to execute and infect your system. As proven with Melissa, this outstanding method of detection provides unparalleled security in the fight against viruses. Indeed, Command AntiVirus was one of the very first products to receive the distinguished Checkmark Level Two certification from West Coast Labs. This certification is granted only to those products that provide 100% disinfection of in-the-wild viruses, leaving files and computer systems intact.

While many vendors claim to provide heuristic scanning capabilities to detect previously unknown viruses, their techniques were no match for Melissa. A hundred thousand users discovered this when confronted with the Melissa virus. While other companies scrambled to provide software updates for detection, Command AntiVirus was calmly alerting users of the attack.


  • Installs and Runs as a Native NT Service. Even when the user is not logged in, Command AntiVirus is protecting the system.
  • Domain Oriented Administration. Administrators can install, configure and distribute Command AntiVirus remotely using SMS, or CSS Central. Offers centralized administration of multiple servers.
  • Scheduled scans run in the background on both local and network drives. Scans can be scheduled by the administrator or logged-in user. Users without administrator access are prevented from altering administrator-scheduled scans. Scans can be scheduled to a specific day, week, month or period of inactivity.
  • All antivirus events are logged in NT’s event log for review.
  • Scans compressed files, including ZIP files, PK Lite and DIET.
  • Fully configurable include/exclude list facilitates complete customization.
  • Multiple scan tasks can be configured and scheduled individually.

System Requirements
Windows NT 3.51/4.0-compatible PC with the appropriate operating system and most recent service pack for that o/s installed. 5MB of free hard disk storage and 16MB RAM minimum.

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