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LogoGlobeAntiVirus Software

customer service

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is maintenance or Command Care?

A. Command offers three levels of technical support/maintenance packages for its customers. For more information on these packages, known as our Command Care program, please click here. To purchase a Command Care agreement, please contact a Command Sales Representative.

Q. How do I obtain a user name and password?

A. A user name and password is required to download software updates. Complete instructions for obtaining a user name are available in the User Name and Password section.

Q. I forgot my user name and password. How do I get it?

A. Please contact a Customer Service Representative to obtain your user name and password.

Q. Can I get my supervisor's / associate's user name and password to download updates?

A. We will not provide user name and password information to anyone other than the primary user's name on the account, unless personally authorized from the primary user.

Q. Why isn't my user name and password working?

A. Be sure you are typing your user name and password using lower case characters only. Please remember your user name is not necessarily your name but a user name assigned to you. If your extended Command Care program has expired, your user name and password will be suspended until the program has been renewed. If you still experience problems with your user name and password, please contact a Customer Service Representative.

Q. How do I register my purchase if I do not have a License Number?

A. On your registration card, in the space provided for the License Number, refer to your purchase as "Direct, Invoice # xxxxx", where xxxxx is your invoice number. License Numbers are used for products purchased through distribution, not for direct purchases from Command Software.

Q. Who do I contact if my user name and password work, but I am not able to download the files I need?

A. For downloading problems please contact our Technical Support Department either online or via telephone, (561)575-3200.

Q. I work for a large corporation and need to update my software. How do I get updates?

A. You should first try to contact your system administrator or help desk to obtain the updates you require. If you still need assistance, please contact a Customer Service Representative. They will determine who has been granted access rights at your organization.

Q. Why don't I receive my updates on disk anymore?

A. Command Software utilizes electronic downloading methods to provide the fastest, most efficient way for users to obtain software updates. We offer downloading through our Web site, and our FTP site. Software on disk is updated on a quarterly basis and provided at an additional charge.

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