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Anticad.4096.Mozart - Virus Details


Aliases: Invader
Size: 4096 bytes
Frequency: 1

  • Infects MBR
  • Infects diskette boot record
  • Infects COM files
  • Infects EXE files
  • Memory resident
  • Multipartite virus
  • Encrypted (code and data)
  • Plays Music
  • Displays message
  • Contains clear text string or message
  • Has triggered warhead / payload that causes damage
  • Does random, less obvious, damage over time
  • Avoids COMMAND.COM
    Plays the theme from the first movement of Mozart's 40th symphony when awrhead is triggered. "by Invader, Feng Chia U., Warning: Don't run ACAD.EXE!". Displayed on damage trigger. "ACAD.EXECOMMAND.COM.COM.EXE". Overwrites sectors on floppies or hard drives. Triggered after ACAD.EXE has been run and other conditions are met. Prevents disk writes. Triggered after a number of keystrokes since last disk i/o.
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